Better JPEG

Red eye removal

Red Eye mode

To remove the "red eye" effect enter the Red eye mode by clicking the Red eye icon Red eye on the main toolbar or select the Edit->Red Eye item in the main menu or Red Eye item in the context menu. You can use the E key as a shortcut for this command.

Select the area in an eye pupil where you want to remove the red tint:
1. Click in the center of the red area. The selected area will be outlined by a flashing circle.
2. Adjust the size of the circle so it matches the size of the red area or is just slightly bigger. You can use the Radius slider for fast and rough radius adjustment and the up-down (spin) control to fine-tune the radius or to enter the exact number. The radius can also be changed by rotating the mouse wheel while holding Shift key. You can adjust the position of the selected area using the arrow keys or reselect by clicking in a different position.

You can select several pupils by holding Shift key while selecting.

You can adjust sensitivity of the red eye removal algorithm by moving the Sensitivity slider. Increasing sensitivity will generally increase the number of pixels within the area where the red will be removed.

You can adjust darkening of the resulting pupil color by moving the Darkening slider.

You can cancel the last selection by pressing Shift+Esc or clicking the Cancel Last Selection button Cancel last selection on the Remove Red Eye panel or in the context (right-click) menu.

You can cancel all selected areas by pressing Esc or clicking the Cancel button Cancel on the Remove Red Eye panel or in the context (right-click) menu.

To apply the red-eye removal press Enter or click the OK button OK on the Remove Red Eye panel or in the right-click context menu. This action can also be performed by double-clicking the center of the selected area.