Rotation and Flip
BetterJPEG can rotate and flip images without recompression loss by simply rearranging the JPEG coefficients.
Note: JPEG images consist of a number of independently encoded units called MCUs (Minimum Coded Units) which are usually 8x8, 8x16 or 16x16 pixels in size. JPEG images can't start with incomplete MCU blocks. If one or both of the image dimensions are not multiple of the block size the corresponding dimension can get rounded off to the nearest block boundary (the image will be slightly trimmed off at one or two sides) during the lossless rotation or flip. Images with standard dimensions (such as the ones produced by a digital camera) usually don't have incomplete blocks and will not be trimmed.
Rotate commands
To rotate the current image 90° clockwise click the Rotate Right icon on the main toolbar or select the Edit->Rotate->Right item in the main menu or Rotate->Right item in the context menu. You can also use R button as a shortcut for this command.
To rotate the current image 90° counter-clockwise click the Rotate Left icon on the main toolbar or select the Edit->Rotate->Left item in the main menu or Rotate->Left item in the context menu. You can also use L button as a shortcut for this command.
To rotate the current image 180° select the Edit->Rotate->180° item in the main menu or Rotate->180° item in the context menu.
If the image file contains orientation flag, you can automatically rotate the image by selecting the Edit->Rotate->To Orientation Flag command in the main menu or Rotate->To Orientation Flag item in the context menu.
Flip commands
To flip the current image horizontally select the Edit->Flip->Horizontal item in the main menu or Flip->Horizontal item in the context menu. You can also use H button as a shortcut for this command.
To flip the current image vertically select the Edit->Flip->Vertical item in the main menu or Flip->Vertical item in the context menu. You can also use V button as a shortcut for this command.